The Thief of Joy - Comparison!

It's so easy to do. To get down on ourselves, and for what?

We're all guilty of it- some of us more than others. But when you compare yourself to other people, you're adding killer thoughts to your existence.

In this hyper “social” society, it's all too easy to get wrapped up in what other people are accomplishing, the great places they've traveled to, the perfect relationships they have, how great their life seems, and so on and so forth.

But the reality is, you really don't know what it's like to live a day in their shoes. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side. We think it is thanks to the likes of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, etc offering us a glimpse into people's lives; but that's all it is- a glimpse. They let you know what they want you to know.

I can't stress this enough, but you are where you are meant to be right at this very moment. Repeat that back to yourself. Let it really sink in.

Acceptance and gratitude for your own life and where you are at is the most powerful tool to fight off the deadly comparison syndrome.

I struggle with this problem on a daily basis.

I'm 39, and I’m just sorting out my way forward. Helping others and getting them on the path of alignment is my life purpose. But it took me a long time to find something that sparked my joy again. The thing that set me straight was something I took from Elizabeth Gilbert’s book, Big Magic - to allow yourself to follow your curiosity - not passion - because I don’t believe we all have just ONE passion. How limiting that would be in such a limitless world.

So that part of my life is starting to sort itself. But in terms of a relationship - I’ve had a bit of a bumpy go in that department. And it’s not for a lack of finding decent men. And knowing what I want. It just turned out that they weren’t the ones long-term. Which sucks when you want a family, and to build a life with someone. But I’m not in the business of convincing anyone to love me or settling for less than what I deserve. So that’s a work in progress and I am learning to go with the flow a bit more.

This reality is my own. I created it. And although it's definitely not where I thought I would be at this age, I can't keep killing my mojo by allowing the comparison syndrome to seep in. I’m not behind. I’m exactly where I’m meant to be. And so are you.

So if any of this resonates with you, let me be the first to tell you that you're not alone. Make a decision. Kick comparison to the curb. Pick yourself up and keep moving forward. There’s no “right” decision. Indecision is the killer of everything.

And your life has great things in store for you.

You are a shining light, and you have a lot to offer this world. Don’t you forget it.

Andrea xx


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